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30 Minute Interview

I decided to interview my mom for this photography assignment. My mother and I have a strong friendship bond where I am able to tell her my personal problems. I admire and look up to her, she is my best friend, she makes me laugh all the time, and makes my day so much better. When interviewing my mom she made me laugh most of the time because of her responses. I decided to ask her interesting questions that I found online. I predominantly knew everything she was going to say. I asked her at first yes or no questions, would you rather, and then asked her more in depth personally questions.

A few question I specifically asked was If you could read anyones mind who would you want to read and she replied, "Einstein". I also asked what is her favorite smell she replied "Lavender". I then asked her where in the world would you choose to live and she said, "Spain", What is the last book you read that you couldn't put down and she replied, "A Danielle Steel book", If you could have any super power what would it be? She replied, "To be invisible", and if your life was a movie which actor would play you? She replied, "Gabrielle Union".

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